
BMIG Newsletter 42 (Spring 2021)

Contents: BMIG Annual Meeting; Centipedes on the sea shore; New Recording Scheme—‘Woodlouse Flies’ Rhinophoridae; Millipede-killing flies in Britain; A millipede, or two, new to Britain; Metatrichoniscoides celticus in England; Coastal Trichoniscoides sarsi; A possible 13th century woodlouse/millipede illustration; Expanding Anamastigona pulchella?; Ommatoiulus sabulosus; An introduction to Centipedes, Millipedes and Woodlice; BMIG training on the web.

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BMIG Newsletter 41 (Autmn 2020)

Contents: New recording scheme - Intertidal marine isopods; Centipede atlas update; Darwin Tree of Life - What is it - Can you help?; Lockdown recording; Luminous centipedes; The not so southern Pill Woodlouse; Porcellionides sexfasciatus new to Britain; Trichoniscoides albidus in eastern Yorkshire; Online survey of common names for terrestrial isopods; First UK record of Clypeoniscus cantacuzenei.

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20th Annual General Meeting

All BMIG members are invited to attend the AGM to be held at 2pm on Saturday 5th December 2020. The meeting will be held on Zoom.

The present committee welcomes nominations for vacant officer roles from any BMIG member. Please contact the chairman to discuss any of these roles. Nominations can be made from the floor at the AGM.


Announcement type


BMIG Newsletter 40 (Spring 2020)

Contents: BMIG AGM and Field Meeting 2020; AGM & Officer Elections; Ophyiulus germanicus, with Laboulbeniales fungus; Melogona voigtii confirmed new to England; Luminous centipedes; First record of a ‘pocket centipede?; Bye Bye Ligia; Leptoiulus belgicus down sauf; Woodlice with Iridovirus wanted.

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