Tygarrup javanicus Attems, 1929


GB IUCN status: Not assessed (non-native)

ID Difficulty




In Mecistocephalid centipedes the head is elongated being noticeably much longer than wide, leaving the forciples clearly visible when viewed from above (see images). 

Tygarrup javanicus is a small yellowish-orange centipede (to 20 mm) with elongated reddish head and always with 45 leg pairs.

A description based on specimens from RBG Kew is given by Lewis & Rundle (1988).  More information to allow accurate identification is given in the published identification keys (Barber, 2008 & 2009).

Tony Barber
Tony Barber
Keith Lugg
Keith Lugg
J.P. Richards
Thomas Hughes

Distribution and Habitat

Tygarrup javanicus is recorded from several ‘tropical’ glasshouses (Gregory & Lugg, 2020) including Kew Gardens, London (where first discovered in 1967) and Eden Project, Cornwall. Specimens have been found beneath dead wood and among leaf-litter. 

This introduced species also known from a few tropical glasshouses elsewhere in Europe, and occurs outdoors in the tropics: Seychelles, Cambodia, Jawa and Vietnam.

This account is based on the 'Centipede Atlas' (Barber, 2022).


Barber, A.D. (2022) Atlas of the centipedes of Britain and Ireland. Telford, FSC Publications

BRC code


