
BMIG Newsletter 1 (Autumn 2000)

Contents: Notes from the Editor; Inaugural meeting of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group, April 2000; Non-marine Isopod Recording Scheme; Easter 2001 Field Meeting and AGM; Centipede bites; FSC Myriapod and Isopod Course at Flatford Mill; Stenophiloscia zosterae re-found in North Essex; The land-hopper (Arcitalitrus dorrieni) in Britain; Updated species accounts: Brachychaeteuma bagnalli, Brachychaeteuma bradeae, Brachychaeteuma melanops & Cylindroiulus latestriatus.

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BMIG Newsletter 2 (Spring 2001)

Contents: BMIG business; 2001 Annual Field Meeting postponed due to foot and mouth; Help! - A plea for contributions; Millipede Recording Scheme news; Observations on Platyarthrus hoffmannseggi and some other less common woodlice in NW England; Upcoming review of the Irish centipedes; Great expectations; Update on the Woodlouse Recording Scheme; Some Rum millipedes; Just in case you can’t help poking about on holiday!; The Dr Edward Eason collection; Draft species account - Craspedosoma rawlinsii.

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BMIG Newsletter 3 (Autumn 2001)

Contents: John Gordon Blower 1923-2001; BMIG business; Help! - A plea for contributions; Millipede Recording Scheme new; Outstanding Isopod Records; Trichoniscid season is upon us!; Electronic Records - Catching up with the 1990’s!; BMIG Annual Field Meeting to Ireland; BMIG and the National Biodiversity Network. 

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BMIG Newsletter 5 (Autumn 2002)

Contents: BMIG business; Woodlice on the web; Obituary - W.D. (Bill) Williams; Non-marine Isopod Recording Scheme News; One species of centipede (G.carpophagus) becomes two; Swimming pools; Exclusive Trichoniscoides – part two; Extent of woodlouse recording in Britain and Ireland; National Biodiversity Network - Conferences and Seminars; A Synopsis of the North American Centipedes of the Order Scolopendromorpha; Centipede man admits to collecting rare woodlouse.

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BMIG Newsletter 6 (Spring 2003)

Contents: BMIG business; Report of Derbyshire field meeting, Easter 2002; The 12th International Congress of Myriapodology, South Africa, 2002; Non-marine Isopod Recording Scheme news; BMIG library and reference collection; Some south London myriapods; Updated woodlouse distribution maps; Desiccation tolerance of Armadillidium depressum; A massive concentration of Polyxenus lagurus.

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BMIG Newsletter 9 (Autumn 2004)

Contents: BMIG business; BMIG Bulletin; Trachysphaera lobata threatened with extinction; Geophilus easoni and G. carpophagus: the situation outside Britain; BMIG Library; BMIG Expedition to Galicia 2004 – a preliminary woodlouse report; Expedition to Galicia - a preliminary millipede report; BMIG Reference Collection; Use of domestic blower-vac machines.

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